
Sheen’s Credential Not Good Enough for Coliseum Guard

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Actor Charlie Sheen was trying to get into the Coliseum locker room after the Raiders’ game with the Chicago Bears Sunday, but a security guard barred the way because Sheen didn’t have a credential.

“I’m Charlie Sheen, the actor,” Sheen said.

The guard was not impressed.

Finally, Sheen left and a reporter told the guard, “That was Charlie Sheen, the actor. He was in ‘Platoon.’ ”

“Yeah?” the guard said. “I was, too. In Korea. So what?”

Trivia Time: The Colts’ record for single-game rushing of 198 yards, which Eric Dickerson of Indianapolis missed by two yards Sunday, was set by what Baltimore running back? (Answer below.)


Don’t-get-mad-get-even dept.: How bad did John Robinson feel Sunday night as Bill Walsh’s San Francisco 49ers took his Rams apart, 48-0? Walsh knows the feeling.

The coaches first met 10 years ago when Robinson was at USC and Walsh at Stanford. USC won, 49-0. The Trojans, netting 453 yards on the ground, got 126 yards from Charles White, 124 from Dwight Ford and 101 from Mosi Tatupu.

Add Rams: In the previous biggest loss in franchise history, 47-0 to the Chicago Bears in 1942, Sid Luckman threw two touchdown passes for the Bears, who were scoring their 23rd consecutive win. The Rams, then based in Cleveland, netted a minus 12 yards on the ground.


Stanford football Coach Jack Elway says he always has to smile when he reads that the big advantage son John has over other quarterbacks is his natural athletic ability.

“Maybe that’s so, but I observed him when he was growing up,” Elway told Mark Purdy of the San Jose Mercury News. “We’d be outside shooting baskets, and I’d want to come in and get something cool to drink, and he always wanted to shoot more. He wanted more batting practice. He wanted one more bucket of golf balls. He would wear out the palms of his hands until the callouses were bleeding.”

As a postscript to Monday’s story on the heroics of Wisconsin’s Ron VanderKelen in the 1963 Rose Bowl, he followed that up in the summer by leading the College All-Stars to a stunning 20-17 upset of the National Football League champion Green Bay Packers. The winning score came on 73-yard pass play from VanderKelen to his favorite Wisconsin receiver, Pat Richter.


It was the last win by the College All-Stars in the series. The pros would win the next 12 games before the game was discontinued.

From Dodger reliever Jay Howell, who underwent elbow surgery when he was with the Oakland Athletics: “If you have any questions about my arm, don’t worry. I carried my wife’s luggage to the airport today. If you don’t think that’s a big deal, you should see what she carries for two days.”

For the Record: Mike Nikitas, promoter for George Foreman, called to add Tony Tucker to Monday’s list of former heavyweight boxing champions still active. That makes it an even dozen.

Headline in the Sporting News after Ralph Sampson went to the Golden State Warriors and Joe Barry Carroll to the Houston Rockets: “Tower of Glower for Apex of Apathy.”

Trivia Answer: Norm Bulaich in 1971.


Bob Ryan, of the Boston Globe, on Ralph Sampson, who says he wants to be remembered as an all-around player: “Ralph’s big problem is that he keeps hoping he’s going to wake up some morning and be 6-4.”
