
Newport Beach : Ex-’Star Wars’ Official to Speak on Project

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Robert Bowman, a former director of Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars,” research for the Air Force, will speak on “Star Wars and National Security: Present Perspectives” at 7 p.m. Saturday at St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista Drive in Newport Beach.

The talk is sponsored by the Orange County branch of Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament, Beyond War, UCI Student Activities Office, Global Peace and Conflict Studies Centre and the Social and Ecumenical Concerns Organization of St. Mark Presbyterian Church.

Bowman, now president of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, was director of Advanced Space Programs Development for what is now the Air Force Space Division. In that capacity, he was responsible for high-energy laser developments for space, the development of advanced surveillance spacecraft and advanced space vehicle subsystems.


Bowman, author of “Star Wars: Defense or Death Star?” is now a peace activist.

Tickets, at $5 each, are available by calling the Bren Events Center Ticketron outlet at UC Irvine, (714) 856-5000, or by writing Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament, P.O. Box 7903 Newport Beach, Calif. 92658.
