
400 Hear Bentsen in Burbank

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Apartisan crowd of about 400 adults and children, many of them shouting “We’re on your side,” greeted Democratic vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen at a rally Friday night at Burbank Airport.

Armed with Dukakis/Bentsen posters and wearing “I Like Mike” buttons, the boisterous crowd cheered the Texas senator when he emerged about 6 p.m. from his campaign airliner.

Bentsen, with Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) at his side, spoke for about 20 minutes, slamming the Reagan Administration on a variety of issues, including its record on the environment.


Many people said they brought their children along to get a first-hand look at a big-time political campaign.

“I really thought it would be a good experience for them to see the political process,” said Kari Teeter of Van Nuys, who brought her three children to the rally outside an airport hangar.

“I don’t want them ever to be one of those 18- to 27-year-olds who doesn’t vote. . . ,” she added.


“It’s exciting,” said Teeter’s 12-year-old daughter, Tracey.

Curtis and Myrna Miller of Granada Hills also brought their three children: Danny, 8; Joel, 4, and Diana, 17 months.

But Danny Miller said it was hard for him to see anything.

“I kept jumping up and down” trying to get a glimpse of Bentsen, he said after the candidate had departed for the Century Plaza Hotel.
