
Man Without a Country

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I have read all Gore Vidal’s books and was therefore surprised to read in The Times interview (“Decline and Vidal” by Kathleen Hendrix, Dec. 5) that he does not know the definition of a patriot.

According to Vidal’s definition, it is a person who only votes in the year he is running for office; earns millions on sales of his books in the United States, but lives in Italy; finds nothing redeeming about America, our political system, police, cities, morals or ethics; thinks the 51% turnout in our election is “thrilling.”

I presume that all his criticism is to increase the sales of his books. It is certainly depressing that an intelligent man would actually honestly espouse these opinions and/or criticisms.


Mr. Vidal, please return to Italy, give up your citizenship and live “free” in a foreign country. We do not need self-professed “patriots” like you in the United States.


