
Homeless Kids

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I am a full-time volunteer at a shelter for the homeless in Los Angeles County. I coordinate the child-care program and teach some sewing and nutrition. I work with children 6 and younger during the day and also school-aged kids when they get home. Yes, this is home to them.

I am a firm believer that we must try to picture the homeless situation through the eyes of these children. After all, the children are the future of our country.

The children of the homeless are very confused, they don’t understand what is happening or why their situation has changed so drastically. They have many needs.


These children usually have very little clothing and they are hungry. Many times they have very few toys or none at all. They need comforting and understanding to get over their insecurity. They often have lost their best friends. School-aged children go from school to school and may have trouble making new friends.

I feel if we could understand a lonely and upset child and picture their many needs, we would want to help more to alleviate this pain. We can help through volunteering time, money and goods. Please give for the future of our country!


