
Irvine’s Stand on Threats to Ozone

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We would like to offer our enthusiastic support for the City Council’s plan to restrict the use of ozone-damaging chemicals in Irvine. It is nice to be living in a city that is striving to find solutions instead of remaining part of the problem.

It is appropriate that Irvine take the lead on this issue for several reasons. The original research by Prof. (F. Sherwood) Rowland into the ozone problem was conducted here at UC Irvine. The destruction of the ozone layer is probably the most pressing environmental problem facing the world today. We should take pride in living up to the challenge that his research has set for us.

Irvine’s reputation for progressive urban planning also gives us a special responsibility to lead the way on this important issue.


We are also gratified by the business community’s warm response to this important issue. In a less enlightened place, there would be endless bickering about “costs” and “competitive disadvantages” and “unfair advantages.” The general recognition here that being environmentally responsible is good business is refreshing. Our business leaders, Mayor Larry Agran and the City Council all deserve a round of applause.



