
Houston Set to Be Site of Economic Summit in 1990

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<i> Reuters</i>

President Bush has selected Houston as the site of the next economic summit for the seven major Western industrial countries, White House sources said today.

They said the summit, with the United States as host, will take place next July.

“It is expected to be announced tomorrow,” said one White House official, when Bush will be in Malta for his first summit with Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev.

The Houston Chronicle reported today that the summit would take place July 7 to 9.

Bush indicated during last July’s economic summit in Paris that he would like to see Texas be host to the gathering of industrial nations, even though it can have sweltering heat at that time of year.


Bush, a native of Connecticut, moved to Houston after World War II and made his fortune in the oil business.

The summit, which rotates among the participating nations, was last hosted by the United States in 1983 in Williamsburg, Va.
