
Stolen Vehicles

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Although the district attorney says he will prosecute stolen vehicle crimes as a felony when deception is used, I now understand why Southern California’s hottest crime is stolen vehicles.

Recently our stolen truck--now repainted with different license plates and tires--was recovered during a theft. The suspect fled the scene, violated numerous traffic laws, had opened beer cans in the vehicle, and several buyers’ business cards for the stolen goods. The suspect’s name is still unclear as he uses five aliases and has a record. Qualifies as a felony, right?

Wrong! The thief was permitted to plead to a misdemeanor petty theft charge for stolen goods. That’s right--petty theft!


Because repairs were too costly, the insurance company salvaged the truck, and we have a $2,000 loss. I have called the district attorney’s office daily asking for restitution, but no one has returned my calls. As I said, I now know why so many vehicles are stolen in Los Angeles County--it pays! And if caught, the criminal gets free room and board for a few months and is then back on the streets continuing his career.

How sad that the greatest country on earth has a judicial system that favors criminals.


