
Defanging Hussein

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So the Tofflers have a new perspective on Hussein and the Earth’s safety from a radioactive world--blame the peace activists for “increasing the risk of nuclear wars tomorrow.” Attack the peace movement with a viciousness that belongs to the major powers who have been endangering the world by playing chess games with their pawns and engaging in business as usual.

In their myopic view of peace activists, the Tofflers forget that the sustained call of the peace movement from its inception has been “take the profits out of war.” How about stopping the sale of nuclear know-how, chemical and biological weapons, computerized missiles, etc. to Third World would-be powers? Who is responsible for selling weapons to Iraq? For an answer see the Dec. 30 editorial “Arms and a Man: Helping Saddam,” which reports, “According to a Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report, 132 companies from 14 Western nations have sold military goods to Iraq. Among them 68 German and 10 American firms.”

We should be thinking about the future in a different light--how to support global development to end poverty and disease with jobs created in the service of humans rather than in their destruction. Wouldn’t preventing the creation of future Saddam Husseins be a better solution than going around the world trying to bomb them out of existence?



Rancho Palos Verdes
