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As a tense world watched and waited, the noon deadline set by the United States for Iraq to begin withdrawing from Kuwait passed--and was ignored by Iraq.

About eight hours later, the 800,000-plus allied force launched its full-scale ground war on Iraq and occupied Kuwait, sources said.

In Washington, President Bush went on national television to declare, “The liberation of Kuwait has now entered a final phase.” Asking Americans to pray for allied troops, he said: “I have complete confidence in the ability of coalition forces to swiftly and decisively accomplish their mission.”


These developments earlier Saturday set the stage for the launch of the ground war:

In Moscow: Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz, departing from Moscow, threw his support behind a Soviet plan that called for Iraq to pull out within three weeks of a cease-fire. But he did not mention the U.S. ultimatum.

At the United Nations: Just moments before the deadline, diplomats at the United Nations reported some last-minute overtures from the Iraqis, but the result was unclear. The Security Council made plans to meet later in the day--a meeting that adjourned quickly once word came that the ground attack had commenced.


In Baghdad: Izzat Ibrahim, deputy chairman of the ruling Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council, called Bush’s demand “an aggressive ultimatum to which we will pay no attention.”

* A black pall of smoke hangs over Kuwait, where allies say Iraq has set 190 oil installations on fire. * Iraqi soldiers are reportedly surrendering in “geometrically growing” numbers. * The allies fly a record 1,200-plus sorties into the Kuwaiti theater of operations. * Kuwaiti resistance sources say Iraq is carrying out “a systematic campaign of executions . . . particularly of people they may have tortured.” * Early Saturday, several dozen U.S tanks, fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers cross Iraqi border. Vehicles have been clearing paths through the Iraqi-built sand fortifications. * Iraqi President Saddam Hussein meets with the ruling Revolutionary Command Council and leaders of his Arab Baath Socialist Party, Baghdad radio says. No details are released. * Iraq fires another Scud missile at Israel, 10 minutes before the U.S. deadline expires. No injuries are reported. * Naval minesweeping operations move closer to Kuwait’s beaches, clearing the way for a possible landing of a 17,000-member Marine amphibious force. Source: Associated Press, Los Angeles Times IRAQ FORCES: BEFORE THE WAR AND NOW Tanks: 4,200 at start of war Numbers destroyed: 1,685 Numbers remaining: 2,515 Artillery: 3,100 at start of war Numbers destroyed: 1,485 Numbers remaining: 1,615 Armored vehicles: 2,800 at start of war Number destroyed: 925 Number remaining: 1875 Military aircraft: 700 at start of war Number destroyed: 87 Number remaining 613 (includes 137 in Iran) Troops: 500,000 Mobilized reservists: 500,000 Iraqi troop casualties in the Persian Gulf are unavailable from the Pentagon.
