
High Life A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Not-So-Wonderful World of Boyfriends, Girlfriends

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We all know how wonderful it is to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Isn’t it nice not having to worry about who’s going to be your date for the dance, or who you’ll sit next to on on the roller-coaster?

Having a boyfriend or a girlfriend means great fun, constant companionship and, sometimes, utter annoyance.

Hot Topics wonders, “What upsets you most about boyfriends or girlfriends?”

“My girlfriend has posters all over her room of these famous guys. I hate that because I feel like I have to compete with them or something.”


Donn Pierson, 15,

sophomore, Troy

“The thought of bringing them home to meet my parents. They’d never pass my dad’s test of who’s best for his daughter.”

Priscilla Murdock, 15,

freshman, Rosary

“When they treat you like a showpiece for all their friends to see and admire. Sometimes I feel like a painting.”

Aaron Silva, 14,

freshman, Fullerton

“I hate when my girlfriend calls me like four times a night, just to see what I’m doing. It gets annoying after awhile.”


Reuben Fernandez, 16,

junior, Servite

“I hate when my boyfriend calls at the last minute to go out somewhere. He just assumes I’m always ready to go out with him.”

Brandi Nichols, 15,

freshman, Esperanza

“When my girlfriend flirts with other guys . . . ugh!”

Sean Blair, 16,

junior, Esperanza

“When they try to change you into something you’re not, and it’s supposedly for your own benefit.”

Sarah Matters, 15,

sophomore, Sunny Hills

“If I’m out on a date, I hate it when she purposely stares at other guys to make me jealous.”


Peter Frederick, 14,

freshman, Servite

“I don’t like it when guys get suspicious about every little thing you do, where you’ve been, who you were with, etc.”

Debbie Clayton, 14,

freshman, Esperanza

“I hate the way guys act, like I should be lucky to be going out with them or something. They get this big ego.”

Audrey Ekstrom, 17,

senior, Rosary

“When they act like they own you, and tell you how to dress and stuff.”

Lewis Murphy, 15,

sophomore, Fullerton

“Everything! I don’t like the idea of being attached to anyone or anything.”

Elsa Cruz, 14,

freshman, Brea-Olinda

“I hate when they start to take you for granted after a couple of dates. They assume you are always going to be there.”

Alexis Halden, 14,

freshman, Rosary

“I don’t like it when guys think that every waking moment should be spent with them and no one else.”

Mary Summers, 14,

freshman, Sunny Hills

“When you’re going out with someone, everybody expects you to be together all the time. I like having a boyfriend, but not the rules that go with it.”

Barbera Hall, 16,

junior, Brea-Olinda

“I don’t like it when the relationship gets real intense and everything is moving real fast.”


Steve DeLeon, 18,

senior, Brea-Olinda

“Nothing really upsets me about having a boyfriend, except when it comes time to break up, that’s the worst.”

Dee Ferons, 14,

freshman, Sunny Hills

“I had this one boyfriend who constantly told me to become a model so he could show off to his friends. That really bugged me for a long time.”

Amy Duran, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“When they get too possessive and treat you like one of their objects rather than a human.”

Cecilia Eanes, 14,

freshman, Brea-Olinda

“Absolutely nothing, I’m a laid-back kind of guy, no cares in the world.”

Lee Young, 16,

junior, Esperanza

“I’m not quite sure. Get back to me after a couple of dates. I know one thing for sure, she’s not going to boss me around.”

Terri Waters, 15,

freshman, Servite

“When a girl likes you and she has her friends talk to you about her. She has a mouth and legs; let her do the talking and walking.”

Charles Erickson, 15,

freshman, Esperanza

“It gets me mad when my girlfriend wants me to go out with her friends, but she says she doesn’t feel comfortable with me and my friends.”


Bruce Rose, 15,

sophomore, Troy

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

If you could be any movie character for a day, who would you be and why?

Responses gathered by Asra Hashmy at the Brea Mall.

