
Veto of Ban on Rabbit Testing

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Benjamin Franklin once said that man is known as the “reasoning” animal because he can always find a reason to justify anything he does. Case in point: Gov. Wilson’s deplorable veto of Assemblyman Jack O’Connell’s bill to ban using the eyes of live rabbits to test for potential irritants in cosmetics and household products (Part A, Sept. 10). Never mind that this crude and archaic procedure--known as the Draise test--can cause painful blistering in the eyes of these helpless animals; that the bill had generated over 75,000 letters of support; that the bill had passed the state Senate by a 22-to-10 vote and the state Assembly by a 52-to-17 margin; that this modest bill would not have applied to any medical research. Never mind that many major companies have forsaken live animal testing in favor of more humane and effective alternatives.

Wilson cited Dr. C. Everett Koop, an outspoken critic of the bill, who reportedly said, “I care about animals, but I care more about people.” This is pure sap, a rhetorical ploy intended to elicit an emotional response rather than a rational one. How can any self-respecting and sensitive person condone cruelty to animals in the name of one more lipstick or another new oven cleaner? But, as Ben Franklin knew, some people will look for any reason to avoid change.

