
Supervisors Order Review of Travel Allowances

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Los Angeles County supervisors have ordered a complete review of transportation allowances after Supervisor Gloria Molina attacked the payments as “a hidden bonus program” for top county officials.

In sharp exchanges with county administrators Tuesday, Molina said the $2.7-million program originally sold to the supervisors in 1987 as a cost-saving measure has “gotten totally out of control.”

Molina charged that county administrators performed a “bait and switch” on the Board of Supervisors by creating a program that pays 486 top bureaucrats a transportation allowance of up to $6,300 annually, regardless of whether the officials use their personal car on county business.


Supervisor Deane Dana, whose call for a less sweeping review won board approval, said that paying the allowance to officials who do not regularly travel as part of their work “does raise questions that need to be answered.”
