
Formation Agency Sings a New Tune as Districts Draw Criticism

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In defense of both the city of Dana Point and the autonomous “patchwork” of special districts (“Dirty Water Districts Breed Disease,” editorial, April 23), I want to call your attention to the fact that this patchwork of districts was not created in Dana Point by the special districts or the city, but by the very agency now urging consolidation and elimination of these same districts--the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).

When LAFCO encouraged formation of the city of Dana Point, little attention was paid to the service-area boundaries of the special districts, rather more attention was paid to potential tax revenue sources for the new city.

A few parting comments:

1) I think the Dana Point Sanitary District predates formation of LAFCO as the district was founded in 1928 when Dana Point was just another part of Chandler family holdings.


2) Its monthly service charge is the lowest in south Orange County.

3) Directors of all the special districts serving Dana Point are elected every four years and are accountable to and serve at the pleasure of the voters. LAFCO members are appointed and do not have direct accountability to the voters.

4) And, finally, consolidation of districts is logical only if the resulting district will provide the users the same or better quality of service at a lower cost!



Dana Point Sanitary District
