
Beilenson, Gallegly Split on Trade Pact

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Ventura County’s congressional delegation split Tuesday on the multinational trade agreement to slash tariffs worldwide, differing on the effect it would have.

Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) voted against the treaty, and Rep. Anthony Beilenson (D-Woodland Hills) supported it.

The treaty, which would create a new World Trade organization to replace the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, passed the House of Representatives, 288-146.


Beilenson said he voted for the trade pact to lower trade barriers among 124 nations because it will cut federal budget deficits by about $60 billion over the next 10 years, largely by creating new jobs and expanding export markets for American goods.

He said approval of the agreement is a signal that the United States intends to pursue “our national responsibilities throughout the world,” rather than retreating within its borders.

But Gallegly argued that the trade agreement will cost American taxpayers about $12 billion over the next five years and make it more difficult to balance the federal budget.


The Republican said he objected to the “U.N.-style oversight organization” created by the treaty. He added he believes it was wrong for the House to vote on the measure in a lame-duck session.
