
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Council Plans Repairs for Library Roof Leaks

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The city will move ahead to repair a leaky roof on the library at a cost of about $500,000 before the rainy season begins.

The City Council on Tuesday agreed to hire Hill International Inc. of Newport Beach to oversee the repairs to the library.

City Atty. Alan R. Burns said that the city has sued the contractor and architect for roof leaks and related problems.


Rainey Construction Co. was awarded the construction contract in 1989 and Ralph Allen and Partners designed the library, which cost nearly $2.3 million.

The library was completed in June, 1991.

Burns said the lawsuit has not been settled but that repairs must be made soon because there is significant water damage to the library’s walls.

Hill International, a project management firm, will be paid $30,000 to oversee the work, and the repairs are estimated to cost from $450,000 to $550,000, Burns said.


He said the cost could vary depending on the extent of damage. The council at an upcoming meeting will consider awarding a contract to a company to make the repairs.
