
Tough Call: Two Ventura County lawmakers took...

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Tough Call: Two Ventura County lawmakers took opposing views on a bill voted down this week by the Legislature that would have allowed landlords to refuse to rent to unmarried couples. . . . Assemblyman Brooks Firestone (R-Los Olivos) opposed the measure because he believes in “the rights of individuals to live privately as they please.” . . . But Assemblyman Nao Takasugi (R-Oxnard), supporting the rights of property owners, voted for the bill.

Signs of Change: Thousand Oaks merchants want to put up larger signs to advertise their businesses. But opponents say that would turn the city into one big eyesore (B1). . . . On Tuesday, business leaders will ask the City Council to relax its regulations. “We would like to see the city adopt a more flexible ordinance,” said one store owner.

Fish Heads? The biggest catch hanging in the new pier restaurant was landed by Ventura artist Eric Richards, who sculpted a giant 400-pound fish skeleton that dangles over hungry diners. . . . Architect Roy E. Colbert said he envisioned such artwork when he designed the restaurant, which opens today. “I wanted to do a giant shark in that open space above you,” he said. “Then you would have a giant metaphor for the food chain.” (B1)


Hot Fun: Spring Into Summer. That’s the name of Moorpark’s first ever information fair that kicks off at 11 a.m. today at Arroyo Vista Community Park. . . . The festival will include information booths on everything from local sports to seniors programs. . . . There will also be live entertainment and a car show. “We’ll have plenty of things for the entire family to enjoy,” said one official.
