
Not a Loser, but Shaq Doesn’t Win Enough

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I don’t see how anyone can label Shaquille O’Neal a loser, although a lot of people are doing that. He’s far from a loser. The problem is, he’s not a winner. How could that guy get knocked out of the NCAA tournament as early as he did? Where is he in the NBA at crunch time? How come he doesn’t improve his skills? Anyone who spends enough time at the free-throw line can get somewhat efficient.

He’s no loser, but right now he has to be one of the most overrated athletes in sports.


Woodland Hills


If the purpose of Mark Heisler’s consistently negative and vindictive views toward the L.A. Clippers in his NBA column is to irritate Clipper fans, he is doing a great job. However, I have just purchased the L.A. Times for the last time. On second thought, I will buy it only when I need to change the paper under my cat’s litter box, for that is the only redeeming value I can find for Mr. Heisler’s column.




With regard to reader Stan Kaplan’s “outrage” at Michael Jordan’s current salary expectations: Get a life, Stan. It’s the millions of Michael’s “fans” just like you that are the reason M.J. will get what he wants. A word to the naive: Boycott the object of your scorn and he won’t be so demanding.



Los Angeles
