
Shooting Probe Was a Charade

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* It is obvious that in the case of the Korean motorist who was shot by the police, the Orange County district attorney’s office did not at any time consider that any of the policemen should be prosecuted (“Officers Justified in Killing Driver, O.C. D.A. Says,” June 8). The putative four-month investigation is therefore a charade.

As I recall, the information at the time was that another motorist alerted a policeman that the Korean motorist cut him off. You now report that one of the policemen found the Korean driving recklessly. A 32-minute chase ensued with a dozen policeman in pursuit, reaching 95 mph--over a traffic violation! Reckless driving! The very minimum charge that the police should face is reckless driving.

The most tragic aspect of this sad affair is that the policemen murdered a man over a traffic violation. Not only were the police criminal in this case, but they were obviously stupid by standing in front of a vehicle. Stupidity abounds with these “law-enforcing” individuals by endangering the lives of others in a senseless high-speed chase over a traffic violation.



Dana Point
