
Cox Named to Anti-Terrorist Task Force

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Rep. Chris Cox (R-Newport Beach) has been appointed to a nonpartisan anti-terrorism task force formed to beef up the nation’s security in the wake of the crash of TWA’s Flight 800 and the bombing at the Olympics, government officials announced Tuesday.

Cox said following the announcement that the task force is “getting down to business very quickly” to find ways to “supercharge” current anti-terrorism laws.

Although Congress will adjourn for a month at the end of this week, Cox held out the possibility that legislation could be passed within the next few days.


“But it would very difficult,” Cox said during a telephone interview from Washington on Tuesday.

The task force, which includes eight members each from the House of Representatives and the Senate and White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, has met three times in the last few days and is scheduled to meet twice today.

Some proposals being considered include a “significant expansion” of the FBI’s authority to wiretap, a study on use of tracer chemicals in plastic explosives and requiring the Clinton administration to complete a list of known terrorist organizations within 30 days, Cox said.


The task force “is working to figure out what tools are available to aid law enforcement in prevention of terrorist acts and apprehension of those responsible in the aftermath,” said Vince Solitto, Cox’s spokesman.

Olympic security also was discussed during the meetings, Cox said, adding that the United States is bidding to hold the Winter Olympics in Utah in 2002.

Under consideration are proposals requiring the federal government to provide all of the security at all U.S.-sponsored Olympic games and making murder committed at the Olympics a capital offense, Cox said.
