
Montana--C.E. Allen, Huntington Beach: “Starfire Farm Lodge,...

Montana--C.E. Allen, Huntington Beach: “Starfire Farm Lodge, 401 Fleet Road, Hamilton 59840; telephone (800) 757-2041, Ext. 5720. A three-unit, rural condominium complex. The hosts, Bonnie and Cliff Honohan, are eager to please. Bonnie raises Angora and cashmere goats and horned Navajo sheep.” Rates: from $78. Open year-round.

England--Shel Leachman, Redondo Beach: “Willisham Lodge, Willisham, Suffolk IP8 4SL; tel. 011-44-1473-658-782. Magnificent country home near Ipswich with beautiful gardens, 70 minutes by train from London’s Liverpool Street station.” Rates: from $80, with breakfast.

India--Francie Hansen, Newport Beach: “Chirantan Sur, 37 Ananda Palit Road, Entally, Calcutta 700014; tel. 011-91-33-245-5730. A Calcutta native who gives a walking tour of the city’s arts and cultural scene. A real treat!” Cost: about $2.


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