
Re “Barak’s Election Is Only a Partial...

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Re “Barak’s Election Is Only a Partial Victory,” Commentary, May 19: It is deeply disturbing to read the entreaty by an ultraliberal American rabbi for Jewish U.S. citizens to interfere with the internal affairs of another sovereign country. The unmitigated gall of Michael Lerner to inject himself and his followers in the Israeli electoral process by attempting to impose their will is appalling. By asserting that “American Jews have a great deal of work to do” he is calling us to arms to apply pressure on Ehud Barak to dismantle West Bank settlements, divide Jerusalem and release Palestinian prisoners--all in the spirit of reconciliation. That is neither our role nor our right.

I wonder how receptive Lerner would be if right-wing elements of the Israeli rabbinate and their followers came to this country to actively promote their ultraconservative religious beliefs and attempted to impose them on him and his congregation.


Los Angeles
