
City Review of Scouts

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* The Boy Scouts do many fine things and they promote valuable core principles (letter, Dec. 4). But buried within these principles is a deep-seated prejudice against gays and lesbians, whom they deem “morally unworthy” to be included in BSA programs. The Supreme Court has given them permission to continue with this policy. They have the “right” to keep out those they feel do not exemplify their principles. This is not the dispute.

The dispute is in government entities continuing to support an organization that discriminates against a group protected from discrimination by city- or state-adopted policy. Regarding “Council Votes to Review Ties With Boy Scouts” (Nov. 29), part of what was said by the city that was not in your article was that Scouts utilizing park and recreation facilities will be required to pay the same fees as any other group. This does not seem to be contrary to good public policy. Hence, no more free rides for the Scouts unless they become inclusive.


Santa Ana
