
Vietnamese Are Still Suffering

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* Re “One Vietnam Vet Who’s Glad He Went,” April 27:

It gives me a good feeling to read Jerry Hicks’ column about his good experience in Vietnam.

He made friends there instead of the usual bad experience involving killings. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese don’t have this experience.

Because of the presence of Americans, more bombs were dropped onto their land than in World War II and more than 1 million of their dear ones are dead or missing.


U.S. Sen. John McCain finds “closure” of his Vietnam experience. It sounds kind of funny when he talks of “closure” in front of the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese are struggling alone to find their “closure.”

The environmental devastation brought about by the Americans, including Agent Orange and land mines, are their open wounds and will continue into the foreseeable future. Lives still suffer after McCain’s “closure.” Is there anyone in the establishment who is brave enough to speak for the suffering Vietnamese?


Huntington Beach
