
Thousand Oaks Councilman

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Never before has the Conejo Valley had someone who would give the shirt off his back to help the underdog. Ed Masry has used his own money and legal skills to help save the residents and our environment from unplanned overdevelopment. Let us count the ways.

He came to the rescue of Save Open Space in stopping a wealthy developer from shutting down its Web site,, which provides views on the Ahmanson Ranch urban sprawl issue to save our commutes and air quality. His office contributed $50,000 worth of legal work on this Web site issue. Masry has put his personal funds into attempting to make Borchard Road safe.

He paid for an expert opinion to try to save the Lang Ranch oak grove from a big unnecessary dam. The trees in this magnificent oak grove have no voice. Masry speaks for them.


Masry also put his own funds into newspaper notifications to help save Hill Canyon from development.

I sincerely thank Ed Masry for moving to the Conejo Valley and making a difference to save the quality of its environment.


Agoura Hills


* Thousand Oaks City Councilman Ed Masry of “Erin Brockovich” fame recently made disparaging remarks about career city employees. Masry, perhaps flexing his ego, should be reminded that he’s no Albert Finney.



Agoura Hills


Re “Council Approves Plan to Swap Development Rights,” March 15.

The deal regarding the Western Plateau has me concerned that Thousand Oaks has once again entered into a deal with developers that will, in the long run, be less beneficial to the city than other options.

I know that complaints against developers are often dismissed as just another NIMBY (not in my backyard) complaining. I reject that characterization. Why, when I want to maximize the value of my property by questioning bad land management, am I a NIMBY, but a developer who wants to maximize the value of his land is a shrewd businessman?

A strong point can be made that the developers are gaining their profits from the efforts of the residents of Newbury Park to create and maintain a livable community.


I thank council members Linda Parks and Ed Masry for having the caution to request a postponement of the vote. They continue to show that they represent the residents. I wish we had three more council members like them.


Newbury Park
