
Penalty Not Merely a Bump in the Road

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In response to the July 21 letter from Ralph S. Brax--”Penalties Hardly Seem to Fit These Crimes,” Mr. Brax compares the penalty--a six-day suspension assessed Marquis Grissom for (accidentally) bumping the umpire, to the five-day suspension given to Seattle Supersonic Ruben Patterson after a guilty plea to attempted rape.

Whether or not the attempted rape case warranted a stiffer penalty (it did) isn’t the issue here. Under no circumstances whatsoever--accidentally, or on purpose--can an umpire be touched in any fashion by a player or coach, period. It’s an automatic suspension in most sports, as it should be. That Grissom accidentally bumped the umpire wouldn’t have happened had he (Grissom) kept his distance. Grissom was dealt with properly, as should any player or coach initiating physical contact with umpires and referees.

Jeff Marlin

Valley Village
