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The long land border between the United States and Mexico was partially closed and all flights from Mexico to the United States were suspended, U.S. and Mexican officials said.

“The American side is closed. That is outside our jurisdiction. Mexico closed nothing,” said a spokeswoman with Mexico’s Communications and Transport Ministry.

The U.S.-Mexico border is about 2,000 miles long.

CANADA: Air Passengers Stranded

Stunned and dazed by the news back home, hundreds of stranded American airline passengers settled in for a long wait at Canadian airports after flights were suddenly canceled.


Amid tight security, domestic airlines suspended operations and airports across the country prepared to receive diverted airplanes bound for the United States.

“Transport Canada is on its highest alert. We will continue to monitor the situation and take whatever action is necessary,” said Transportation Minister David Collenette.

U.S.-bound passengers, many waiting in line at immigration, were turned away from Toronto’s airport as news of the attacks filtered through. The airport canceled about 600 flights and cleared space to accommodate stranded passengers.


LEBANON: Palestinians in Camps Jubilant

Palestinians in Lebanon met news of devastating attacks on American targets with jubilant gunfire, dancing and cheering, saying Israel’s chief backer deserved such a punishment.

“This is the result of American policy. America and Israel are one,” one Palestinian gunman said.

Firing rattled across Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and the West Bank as soon as television stations broke the news.


Jubilant Palestinians took to the streets of refugee camps in Lebanon and the West Bank, waving Palestinian flags and distributing sweets to celebrate the attacks.

PERSIAN GULF: U.S. Forces on High Alert

The United States placed its military forces and facilities in the Persian Gulf on the highest level of alert.

“We are now on Delta [imminent threat]. The whole world is on Delta,” said an American official.

Security around Camp Doha, where hundreds of U.S. soldiers and heavy military hardware are deployed, was upgraded to Delta, as was security at two Kuwaiti air bases where British and American aircraft and personnel are deployed.

GREECE: Saudi Jet Forced to Land

A Saudi Arabian Airlines plane flying from Rome to Jidda, Saudi Arabia. was forced to land in Athens after a bomb threat, Greek airport authorities said.

They said Flight 162 was over the island of Crete when authorities were informed of the threat.


The aircraft landed safely at Athens’ international airport and was being searched, they added.

BRITAIN: Andrew’s Flight Aborted

A plane carrying Britain’s Prince Andrew to the United States turned around in midair after the attacks on the World Trade Center, Buckingham Palace said.

A palace spokeswoman said that the prince, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, was due to fly to Atlanta and then to New York but decided to return after learning that two planes had smashed into the center’s twin towers in New York.

She did not say why the prince had been flying to the U.S.

JAPAN: Security for U.S. Bases

Japan ordered its military to tighten security for the huge U.S. bases scattered across the country, and U.S. Marines went on maximum alert.

“This incident in the United States is extremely cowardly and is beyond what any words can describe,” Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said in a message to President Bush.


From Times Wire Reports


This story was published this afternoon as part of a special 8-page extra edition wrap focusing on today’s tragic events. Entitled “Terrorism Hits the U.S.,” the wrap focused on the most important events of the day, the history of World Trade Center, terrorism and other safety concerns. It wrapped today’s second daily and was distributed to major single copy retailers and high traffic commuter areas by early afternoon.


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