
Rising to the Occasion Is America’s Lifeblood

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Recently I had the honor of donating a pint of blood through the Red Cross blood center in Santa Ana. This act is an easy one for me. I have done it dozens of times before and expect to do it dozens of times again, so I do not consider it special in any way.

However, I was truly moved by what I saw there on a recent Saturday morning. There were many volunteers from Santa Ana High School spending their first or second weekend in the school year helping guide an enormous number of blood donors through the process. There were so many first-time donors that I can’t begin to count them. Many food service businesses around the area provided refreshments to staff, volunteers and donors.

A van from Steelcase provided a communications center. I want to thank every one of the workers and organizations who helped me do what little I did today.


I have witnessed the greatness in America. I am proud to be part of her.

Jim Fletcher



Shouldn’t we in Orange County start listening and thinking about what it means to support this long struggle against terrorism?

What if it turns out that the oil-producing countries are also terrorist-producing countries?


In the past we have ignored sensible approaches to our energy problems. We prefer, it appears, to drive alone in big cars and object to any increase in the cost of fuel.

I suggest that we now need to stop talking the light rail plan to death and get it moving on track as soon as possible.

Airports add to the area economy. And when they already exist, such as the former Marine base at El Toro, it makes no sense to force everyone in South County to drive to either San Diego or LAX for an international flight.


One of this county’s main sources of revenue is tourism. If we get back to normal, a real airport will not only make money but allow one of our big sources of jobs and revenue to keep operating in these changed times.

Things will change, and we need to start thinking about real solutions to real problems. The airport is there; all we have to do is let get in operation. The light rail plans are there, and some of the financing is available.

Cecil F. Ropshaw

