
The Gaza pullout and the search for peace

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Re “Israel Mobilizes for Moving Day in Gaza,” Aug. 4

Israel is withdrawing from Gaza at an enormous financial, logistical and psychological cost. Its withdrawal could also lead to a worsening of security for Israelis.

It is curious that with Israel undertaking such a massive and risky move for the sake of peace that the international community is not putting any pressure on the Palestinians.

What are the Palestinians doing for the sake of peace? Unfortunately, very little, as the Palestinian Authority refuses to arrest those who carry out terror attacks and refuses to disarm the terrorists.


The Palestinians are not even adopting basic democratic principles. Recently, the authority banned reporters from reporting on internal Palestinian fighting.

Unless the international community starts requiring the Palestinians to act responsibly and reasonably for the sake of peace, Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza will lead nowhere.


San Francisco



Re “In Gaza, Some Settlers Dig In ... “ July 31

There is an essential fact missing in the article that nobody speaks about. That fact is the land where they have been living was taken from their rightful owners, the Palestinians. If God had really promised this land in the Bible to Jews, then God wronged his people.


Los Angeles


Re “Bush Urged to Help Mediate Gaza Pullout,” Aug. 1

A just resolution of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict is essential to world peace. The Gaza pullout is a first step. Both sides will make the necessary compromises to make it work if the U.S. acts in a fair but firm manner.



San Diego
