
Defending the Left Against Horowitz

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Re “In a Time of War, the Left Is on Trial,” Commentary, Jan. 10: David Horowitz’s example of those on the left is attorney Lynne Stewart, now on trial for allegedly aiding her client, the “blind sheik,” with his terrorist agenda. (He was convicted of masterminding the first World Trade Center bombing.)

According to Horowitz, Stewart’s trial is actually a trial of the loyalty and integrity of the left. Anyone as malicious and dishonest as Horowitz could write a story about neo-Nazis and skinheads as examples of the right. These are the Americans who promulgate racism and arm themselves against an anticipated attack by U.S. agents. That story would be a fair exchange of absurdities with Horowitz.

Max Epstein

Santa Monica


Horowitz has entirely lost his capacity for rational thought. As a proud, patriotic left-wing American, let me state unequivocally: Violence by anyone is unacceptable.


Although I believe everyone has a right to a competent defense, I resent being lumped in with defenders of terrorism.

The left was raising the alarm about both Saddam Hussein and the Taliban long before the likes of Horowitz saw the light. Furthermore, the Oklahoma City bombing was perpetrated by far-right-wing fringe believers.

As history is written, it will be the hypocrisy of the right that will be on trial, not the loyalty of the left. Those on the left are the only ones defending what used to be called “American values.”


John Smart

Los Angeles
