
Political Fallout Over Sen. Boxer’s Questions

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At the conclusion of her commentary on Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) (“Boxer’s Spine Gets Her Cut Off at the Knees,” Jan. 27), Margaret Carlson says: “In Washington, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice sail on, and everybody’s mad at Barbara Boxer.”

Au contraire, Margaret; not everyone. That gutsy little lady representing us is the only senator with the backbone and courage to stand up and vote against certifying the almost certainly fraudulent Nov. 2 presidential election (where were you, Dianne Feinstein?), and to take on the lies and evasions of Condoleezza Rice, who should not be anyone’s secretary of State.

I am extremely proud to be a constituent of Sen. Boxer, and I am counting on her (apparently there are not too many Democrats willing to be counted) to continue to speak the truth and oppose the scary, anti-values agenda being spouted by the right wing. If it takes a filibuster to prevent these ugly legislative efforts from being enacted, I hope that she will be able to find enough other voices to join hers.


Carry on, Barbara; plenty of Californians are in your corner.

Linda Winters

Culver City


Like Carlson, I watched with confusion as Boxer’s colleagues attacked her for asking the questions we should have been asking all along. I am astonished in one sense, and not at all surprised in another, to hear GOP tongues on the news shows talking about “disloyalty” and even “treason” with respect to questioning the Bush administration’s actions. Why wasn’t someone questioning their loyalty during the Clinton administration?

James Fox-Davis



It’s exactly Boxer’s forthrightness that is making her my hero. And it’s the Democratic Party’s lack of passion for the truth that has lost them my support. I will simply follow the truth-tellers, whoever they are.

Edward Armendarez

West Hollywood
