
The jailing of a U.S. civilian in Iraq

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Re “ ‘Is This How You Treat One of Your Own?’ ” July 24

The arrest of Cyrus Kar, an American citizen in Iraq, while traveling in a cab that had bomb timers in its trunk seems altogether reasonable. However, mistreating and detaining him for 55 days was unnecessary, callous and downright stupid of our government. I say this as a person who supported going to war in Iraq and still thinks that it was the right decision.

I am angry and disappointed that our government, in spite of the tough job it faces, is so bureaucratic and careless of its public image that it would allow this to happen. To make matters worse, it is likely that Kar would still be in jail if organizations outside the government had not acted on his behalf. Given that our government is under a black cloud for Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, we needed this kind of PR like we needed a case of smallpox.

William H. Harrison

West Hills


It is one thing to be an inspired filmmaker, it is another thing to take a foolish chance. Though Kar may be upset about how he was treated by the U.S. government, I’m sure his treatment was far better than if he had been caught and exposed by Iraqis. His love of history blinded him from making a common-sense decision. Anyone going into a war zone may or may not come out alive. Although I empathize with his observation that he was mistreated, the whole thing wouldn’t have occurred had he not traveled to Iraq.


The article clearly states: “When the fighting dragged on longer than he anticipated, Kar went into Iraq anyway.” He knew what was going on and took a chance, and failed. I’ve never been in a war, but I certainly wouldn’t travel to a country in the middle of one. I think his exercise in bad judgment helps explain his treatment by interrogators.

Stephen Martin

Santa Monica


The account of Kar’s ordeal is chilling, most of all that he was asked for whom he’d voted in 2004. If that question doesn’t constitute prima facie evidence for the undermining of our democracy during President Bush’s watch, I can’t imagine what would.

Glenna Matthews

Laguna Beach
