
Arguments over ‘intelligent design’

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Re “1st Suit in State to Attack ‘Intelligent Design’ Filed,” Jan. 11

Since one form or another of the “intelligent design” argument is from at least the Middle Ages, I would be disappointed if it were not included in a philosophy class. I would support parents who object to it being taught in other classes, because the support would come from religious groups that lack the insight as to the nature of “knowledge” and “faith.” In this case, we have a group that, although opposed to religious presentations, also lacks the insight on this ancient intellectual argument.


Long Beach


I don’t understand why people object to the logic of an intelligent designer. Reason tells us that nothing can come from nothing. Something had to start the “Big Bang.” That something was God or an intelligent designer, if you prefer that term. I’ve read that there may be 10 dimensions and even multiple universes. Maybe the “spiritual realm” involves one or more of these dimensions that we can’t observe at the present time.



West Covina
