
Group Protests Illegal Immigration, Urges Enforcement of U.S. Laws

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From the Associated Press

About 150 demonstrators lined a busy boulevard here Friday to protest illegal immigration and counter the massive, pro-immigrant rallies that have dominated recent headlines.

The protest in Santa Clara’s Central Park was one of about 30 such demonstrations against illegal immigration planned for Friday in cities nationwide, organizer Roberta Allen said.

“We’re here to show the legislators that there’s another side to the immigration issue,” said Allen, 62, a San Jose optician. “We should start enforcing laws on the books, start enforcing laws on employers and start taking away perks” such as free healthcare and education.


The protesters, most of whom were white and middle-aged, waved American flags and held signs that read “Mr. President, Secure Our Borders Now,” “Immigrants Yes, Illegals No” and “Wait Your Turn, No Amnesty.”

Most of the protesters said they supported legal immigration and a guest worker program, but opposed giving amnesty to illegal immigrants.

“If you’re going to come here, go through the process legally,” said Jim Downton, 60, a construction contractor in Santa Clara. “We shouldn’t be giving anyone a free ride.”


On Monday, pro-immigrant groups staged “Day Without Immigrants” rallies that attracted hundreds of thousands of supporters and urged immigrants to stay away from work, schools and stores to demonstrate their economic strength.

About a dozen pro-immigrant demonstrators also came to the park Friday. The two sides shouted at each other, and police used tape to keep them about 50 yards apart.

Quetzaoceloaciua, 62, who goes by one name, called the protesters “racist” and pointed out that California used to belong to Mexico.


“We are not illegal aliens in our homeland,” she said.
