
Foot stretch helps relieve plantar woes

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Re “A Foot Hold That Spurs Healing” (Nov. 13): I am a 58-year-old basketball player and have been suffering for 13 months now. My doctor has “booted” me for two months and I have had cortisone treatment -- about the most painful shot in the world.

I started doing the stretch in the story and it looks like it will help. Another good stretch is the one in which you put both feet on a stair at an angle to strengthen your calf muscles. I am at about 90%, but still have the swollen fascia under my foot -- a very painful injury for a guy who still plays against 25- to 35-year-old old players.


Los Angeles


Thank you for the plantar stretch. I’m going on my sixth year of plantar fasciitis. After years of physical therapy and even one surgery, I agree that this stretching technique is more helpful than some of the traditional exercises. I hope the story helps someone else to nip their plantar fasciitis in the bud.


