
Readers React: UCLA is right to welcome Cornel West

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To the editor: I am a supporter of Israel — of its survival and social development. A dear member of my family gave generously to Technion (Israel’s MIT) for just those reasons. (“Some Jewish activists don’t want Cornel West at UCLA conference,” April 24)

It is my sincere hope that some of my fellow Jews protesting Princeton scholar Cornel West’s participation in an upcoming UCLA event celebrating the life of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel would realize it’s a privilege to listen to West — with whom they disagree —and not a betrayal of principle.

West is wrong from time to time. He is also a brilliant scholar and a gifted teacher. An educated Jew carefully considers thorny questions from many angles, resisting the temptation of knee-jerk criticism.


UCLA has done right by sticking with its invitation to West to address this gathering.

Steven Dornbusch, Los Angeles

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