
Opinion: Uh, not so much on family’s ‘familiar plight’

Yibi Heras, 32, in her East Oakland home with children, Christopher, 3, Gabriela, 5, and Kevin, 9.
(Robin Abcarian / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: Robin Abcarian writes a sympathetic story about 27-year-old Maguiber Ramos. (“Family’s struggle is all too familiar,” Aug. 6)

But sometimes it’s difficult to feel sympathy for a young man who pleaded guilty to being under the influence of cocaine while his girlfriend was pregnant.

He is deported at that time and then returns to father three more children. The sympathetic characters are the soon-to-be four children born into this situation.


Kathleen Collins, Santa Monica


To the editor: In your article, attorney Lisa Knox spoke of “a lot more people getting picked up by ICE who have been released from criminal custody on pending charges — something minor like DUI or petty theft.”

Something minor like DUI? What?

There is nothing minor about drunk driving. How many people are killed each year by drunk driving? It is unbelievable that an attorney would make such a statement.


If, as in Maguiber Ramos’ case, you are an unauthorized resident in this country and you break the law, you get deported. Period.

Perhaps Ramos should have thought about the consequences to his family before he did that and pleaded guilty to a reckless driving charge.

Neil Snow, Manhattan Beach



To the editor: You won’t find anyone more supportive than I when it comes to shielding “law-abiding” immigrants from being separated from their families by deportation.

I’ve gone on countless marches and I’ve spoken before the Pasadena City Council when it was debating “sanctuary city” status, but when lawyer Lisa Knox from Centro Legal de la Raza calls DUI a minor charge, you’ve lost me.

This letter is not anti-immigrant; it’s anti drinking and driving.

Ron Garber, Duarte


To the editor: Seriously? How exactly did Maguiber Ramos “contribute to the community” as the lawyer says in your article?

Did he fight and give his blood like my family? My father shot in the gut in WWII? Or just his time, like I did in Vietnam. Or like my son serving the homeless in downtown L.A.?


No, he probably works hard in a self-serving manner (that is not community service) for himself and his family, with time out for pleading guilty to several offenses, being deported and crossing the border illegally.

I suspect Ramos is an OK guy. But why on Earth am I responsible for him and his family? Yes, his story is all too familiar. It didn’t used to be like this. Can you now see why so many voted for Trump?

Mike Cassidy, West Hills


To the editor: I am sorry but many people would not think DUI or reckless driving is a minor action by someone who is a guest in our country. He could have killed someone.

Do you think Mothers Against Drunk Driving would agree with you?

Andrew Bressler, Culver City


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