
Opinion: The more Trump lashes out, the more he asks to be investigated

President Trump in the Oval Office of the White House on Oct. 19.
(Evan Vucci / AP)
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To the editor: The facts have not yet been determined or proven as to the allegations that there was unlawful action to conspire with Russia by the Trump campaign during the last presidential campaign. But by attacking Hillary Clinton as a response to the allegations, President Trump and his loyalists look like they want to deflect our attention. (“White House pushes a two-front defense: Blaming indicted aides and Hillary Clinton,” Oct. 30.)

The more the Trump team responds this way to the special counsel investigation, the more it indicates there may be damaging facts from which they want to deflect our attention.

Sid Pelston, Beverly Hills



To the editor: Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III is in charge of finding out if there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and if the president obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey in May.

Mueller is serious about his task, and Trump appears to get more fidgety by the day. The president can protest until he’s hoarse, but the more he mouths off, the more it looks like he’s got something to hide.

Judging by Trump’s recent lashing out against Clinton, the Democratic Party and others, it appears he is preparing his fanatic Republican base for the worst.


Ron Lowe, Santa Monica


To the editor: Paul Manafort, the president’s former campaign manager, is indicted on a number of charges, and the Trump White House said it has nothing to do with the campaign.

Of course, Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager, was heavily in debt to pro-Russia interests when he joined Trump’s team, and was in the room with Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner in June 2016 when they met people connected with the Russian government to discuss getting stolen emails to smear Clinton.


How dumb does Trump think we are?

Ralph S. Brax, Lancaster

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