
Watch live: Trump impeachment hearing Day 3

Today’s House impeachment inquiry hearings kicked off at 9 a.m. ET. A second hearing is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. ET.

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Tuesday’s House impeachment inquiry hearings kick off a breakneck week of public testimony, with Democrats bringing in nine witnesses to testify before leaving Thursday for the Thanksgiving recess.

First up is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, who said in his deposition that he repeatedly raised concerns in the White House about President Trump’s push on Ukraine for investigations into his political rivals during a July 25 phone call. Vindman was the first current White House official to give a deposition, and was one of the first witnesses to provide direct, firsthand confirmation of numerous details in an anonymous whistleblower’s complaint that first fueled the inquiry.

Alongside Vindman is Jennifer Williams, a State Department Ukraine expert assigned to Vice President Mike Pence’s office. In her deposition, Williams testified that Trump’s request for specific investigations in the July 25 call struck her as “unusual and inappropriate” and “shed some light on possible other motivations” for Trump’s decision to freeze security aid to Ukraine.

Testifying in the afternoon starting at 2:30 p.m. ET is former Ambassador Kurt Volker and National Security Council official Tim Morrison, Trump’s top advisor for Russian and European affairs.
