

Army Pvt. Wayne L. Navarro of Huntington Beach has arrived for duty at

the Vilseck-Grafenwoehr Military Community in Germany. He is the son of

Lloyd and Patti Navarro ... The following were recognized at the

2000-2001 GATE Parent Recognition ceremony for their work in the Fountain

Valley School District: Virginia Richardson, Lance Pinkham, Eileen Asahi,

Maria Sedlak, Teresa Caldwell and Kathy Headly ... Ocean View High School

students John Hsiang, Kristen La Tempa, Kanna Pena, Rebecca Longshore,

Luis Arroyo and Principal Karen Gilden participated in the Week of

Welcome program, which is designed to help incoming freshmen adjust to

the high school lifestyle ... Army Reserve Pvt. Rollie G. Bennett

graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

During the training, he received instruction and practice in drill and

ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map

reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical

fitness, first aid and Army history and traditions. Bennett, a 2000

graduate of Ocean View High School, is the son of Sandra and Rollie

Bennett of Huntington Beach.

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