

The following students were winners in the Huntington Beach City

School District Spelling Bee held Jan. 18: Jade Quail, fourth grade, and

Jacob Jaffe, fifth grade, Peterson Elementary School; Michael Thompson,

sixth grade, and Cassie Wallace, eighth grade, Dwyer Middle School; and

Nancy Woo, seventh grade, Sowers Middle School . . . Jeremy Vidales of

Huntington Beach earned a 3.5 grade point average for the fall 2000

semester at the University of Oklahoma . . . Army Reserve Pvt. Rollie G.

Bennett of Huntington Beach graduated from basic combat training at Fort

Jackson in Columbia, S.C.. During the training, he received instruction

and practice in drill and ceremony, marching, physical fitness, first aid

and Army history and traditions . . . The Orange County Chapter of the

Muscular Dystrophy Assn. named David Grosse of Huntington Beach as head

of its Executive Committee for the 2001-2003 term.

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