
Thanks for use of Tankersley Hall This...

Thanks for use of Tankersley Hall

This is to show appreciation and give thanks to the Presbyterian

Church of Laguna Beach for providing their Tankersley Hall to the

Laguna Community Concert Band for rehearsals while the band’s usual

rehearsal room at the high school was being remodeled. Thanks again.


Laguna Beach

Multi-artist galleries are admirable too

After reading a recent column written by Bobbie Allen (art critic)

(“Finding a vision in a crowd,” Coastline Pilot, Dec. 19) I felt the

need to respond and defend those of us gallery owners who choose to

show multiple artists.

What was supposed to be an art critic’s review of an artists’ work

turned into personal attack on galleries that exhibit more than one

artist at a time. There is much I would like to comment on what was

said, but to get to the point, I would just like to say that perhaps

Allen should keep her personal opinions separate from her

professional work. Why she chose to turn this article into an attack

is beyond belief and uncalled for.

She stated that galleries who exhibit only one artist at a time

are “brave heroes.” I feel all gallery owners are brave heroes

whether or not they show one or many artists at a time.

I have owned my gallery for 27 years and what matters is what the

customers say. I receive wonderful compliments daily from clients

around the world that love the diverse, eclectic work shown.

Obviously this is not Allen’s taste in galleries as she prefers to

view one artist at a time, but for many others it is. I am glad Allen

was able to find one artist whose work she enjoyed for that is what I

hope to accomplish.


Sherwood Gallery

The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter

does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the

letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a

letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us

at (949) 494-8979; or send e-mail to

Please give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for

verification purposes only.
