
FOR A GOOD CAUSE:Showing soldiers she cares with care packages

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Melissa Nordlund and her husband have no children, but for the last two months, the 36-year-old Costa Mesa resident has been stockpiling baby wipes.

After reading an article about the lack of bathing opportunities for soldiers in Iraq, Nordlund felt compelled to act.

She founded Operation Babywipes, dedicating her free time to collecting baby wipes, which often sell out in military supply stores, and other hygiene products to send abroad.


“I don’t have any family or friends in the military, but it really grossed me out that they can’t shower, and I felt so sad for them,” she said. “Even if people disagree with the war, they all understand wanting to take a shower or trying to get clean.”

Nordlund said it is easy to forget about what is happening in Iraq living in temperate Orange County, but picking up a pack of baby wipes or a bottle of eyedrops is an easy way for people to help.

“It seems like in Orange County, a lot of people like to pretend that’s not happening over there, but it is,” she said.

So far, she has shipped 10 jam-packed boxes of supplies to the Middle East. Nordlund and her husband have also adopted a soldier, Jair, from Camp Pendleton.

“It really means a lot to these people to know people back at home care about them,” she said. “Sometimes they think people don’t appreciate what they’re doing over there, and I think most people do, even if they don’t agree with the reasons why we are there.”

Though she does not consider herself political, Nordlund said she is concerned about the progress of the war in Iraq and will continue to help as long as it continues.

“I’m afraid it’s turning into another Vietnam and that it’s going to go on and on and on,” she said. “But either way, helping is the right thing to do because they are sacrificing their homes and comfortable lives to fight for us.”

Whether people choose to contribute to Operation Babywipes or not, Nordlund hopes they will find a way to give.

“We have so much in Orange County, and we are so blessed and so fortunate that we should try to help out however we can,” she said. “I just want people to get involved, whether it’s with me or somebody else.”

  • JESSIE BRUNNER may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at

    To make a donation of baby wipes, eyedrops, powdered sports drinks or other useful items to Operation Babywipes, contact Melissa Nordlund at or (323) 898-8817. For more information, go to babywipe.
