

SchoolPower plans Dinner Dance

Laguna Beach High School alumni and SchoolPower Vice-President Jeff Spurlock presented the school’s athletics department with more than $30,000 in funding at a Feb. 5 basketball game.

Spurlock thanked parents in the crowd for supporting SchoolPower’s Community Campaign and attending its annual golf tournament, and congratulated the teams for their great seasons.

The first check for $15,805 represented 20% of the golf tournament proceeds, which are earmarked annually for high school athletics.


A second Community Campaign check in the amount of $15,550 represented designations by Community Campaign donors, who have the option of allocating a percentage of larger donations to the program or teacher of their choice.

The 2008 SchoolPower Dinner Dance will take place March 1 at the Montage Resort & Spa. School district supporters will celebrate and raise money for Laguna’s four public schools.

This year’s event will feature an unprecedented culinary experience, with acclaimed chef James Boyce of Studio at Montage and guest celebrity chef Michel Richard from Citronelle in Washington, D.C.

Parents and community members may enjoy cocktails and appetizers, silent and live auctions, the chefs’ inspired multi-course dinner with wine pairings, and entertainment featuring the Blues Offenders. In addition to the silent and live auctions that will raise money for education programs, 300 raffle tickets at $100 per ticket will be sold to community members and dinner dance attendees, with the winners being announced that night.

Prizes include a one-week stay in a Lahaina oceanside townhome, complements of Scot and Gwen Grierson; a men’s stainless steel Explorer II Rolex watch from Fredric H. Rubel Jewelers; and a $500 shopping spree, courtesy of South Coast Plaza.

Ticket holders need not attend the dinner dance to win. To learn more about the event, view the Fund-a-Need video or purchase dinner dance or raffle tickets, visit or call the SchoolPower office at (949) 494-6811.


School option discussion Feb. 26

The Laguna Beach Parents Club will host a preschool/kindergarten discussion forum at 7 p.m. Feb. 26 in the community room on the third floor of the Wells Fargo building, 260 Ocean Ave.

The forum will address which schools are best for each child, and offer a description of public and private school options. RSVP to Phyllis Fang at or (949) 376-6620.


Sponsors needed for El Morro Jog-A-Thon

The El Morro Elementary PTA is seeking community-minded businesses and individuals to make tax-deductible donations to sponsor the El Morro Jog-A-Thon 2008, scheduled for March 21.

The money raised at the Jog-A-Thon, the school’s largest fundraiser, allows several exceptional programs to continue.

In addition to the inherent benefits of enhancing the education of children in the community, event sponsors will receive benefits and local advertising according to sponsorship levels. For more details, please contact Brendy Michael at (949) 499-0094. The deadline for sponsorships is February 25.


College hosts studio tour for club members

Laguna College of Art & Design and Laguna Culinary Arts hosted an evening of wine and cheese tasting on Feb.5 that featured a guided tour of the Masters of Fine Art in Painting studios.

The annual invitation-only event was an exclusive benefit to members of the President’s Club of the college.

The tour, led by Dean of Fine Arts Jonathan Burke and MFA Chair Sharon Allicotti, provided a glimpse of the creative world of the student artists and an intimate journey into the place where they practice traditional art in a contemporary fashion.

Following the tour, Sommelier and College Trustee Nancy Milby, along with Fromagier Evelyn Fournier were on hand to lead guests through a unique culinary experience and detailed the pairing characteristics of fine wines and cheeses.

First Thursday’s Art Walk President Charlie Ferrazzi was also on hand to present the college with a check for $1,200 representing a portion of proceeds from the sale of student art during the December Art Walk Professional Mentoring Program.

The Mentoring Program, now in its sixth year, was launched by former First Thursday’s gallery member and current LCAD Professor Robin Fuld. The program pairs senior students in the Fine Arts Professional Studies class with First Thursday’s professional art galleries and is designed to demonstrate the intricacies involved in the business of operating a gallery and professionally exhibiting artwork.

The President’s Club was established in 1981 to recognize individuals who are committed to an annual level of generosity of $1,000 and above. Laguna College of Art & Design President’s Club members enjoy several exclusive soirees every year, each one targeting a unique artistic theme. For more information about the President’s Club, contact Vice President of Development Patsee Ober at (949) 376-6000, ext. 229.


Exchange program seeks student hosts

World Heritage, a public benefit organization, is seeking local families to host high school students from France, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Russia, China, Switzerland, Denmark and Italy. Students are already awaiting word on their host family for the 2008-2009 academic school year.

Host families provide room, board, and guidance for a teenager living thousands of miles from home. Students are well screened and are selected based on academic performance, English proficiency, teacher recommendations, and personal interviews.

Couples, single parents, and families with or without children at home, who are adventurous, fun loving, responsible, and most of all caring, are all encouraged to apply.

The exchange students arrive from their home country shortly before school begins in fall. Each student is fully insured, brings their own personal spending money and expects to bear their share of household responsibilities, as well as being included in normal family activities.

For more information, call Bodil Dencker at (949) 310-5612, or visit


Plotkin Foundation awards scholarships

The Peter and Masha Plotkin Memorial Foundation announced the recipients of five $500 scholarships to Laguna College of Art & Design Fine Arts Drawing & Painting students on Feb. 10.

The five were junior Shane Daley; sophomore Hannah Harris; junior Jason Kowalski; sophomore Jared Linge; and junior Erin Metzdorf.
