Mansoor calls out AT&T; promises
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Costa Mesa City Councilman Allan Mansoor has accused telecommunications giant AT&T; of acting in “bad faith” toward the city, criticizing what he says are repeatedly reneged promises to keep properties attractive during the installation of several utility boxes throughout the city.
Mansoor said it’s been frustrating to work with AT&T;, noting that it had repeatedly ignored conditions imposed by the council requiring measures, such as landscaping, that would lessen the devices’ aesthetic effect. AT&T; counters that the boxes will provide consumer choice and better services to residents.
Though state law permits AT&T; to mount equipment used to provide services in a public right-of-way, cities are also entitled to impose conditions on such construction.
“There are a handful of situations where AT&T; could’ve taken the initiative to apply better screening,” he said. “Certainly, that’s not going to be the case in all situations, but ...I didn’t feel that they were taking as much initiative as they could’ve taken.”
Mansoor referred to an incident in which AT&T; installed a utility box on private property, but failed to consult its owners to discuss beautification efforts.
“If they would’ve been willing to work with them to install landscaping, it would’ve been a huge [aesthetic] improvement,” he said. “If the property owner says no, so be it; but at least make the attempt.”
Councilwoman Katrina Foley, who raised the blight issue during a January study session with AT&T; representatives, said she shared Mansoor’s frustration.
“It’s not rocket science,” she said. “If you go outside and see this big box and see the company hasn’t done anything to try to comply with our conditions, it tells me they are ignoring them.
“I don’t know if it’s good faith or bad faith; it’s just cheap.”
“[These utility boxes] are good news for consumers,” AT&T; said in a prepared statement. “It means more competition, and new choices for better video entertainment. We are working with... Costa Mesa and with the community to make sure it’s a win/win situation for everyone.”
The council voted Tuesday to allow city staff to continue issuing permits for installations that meet aesthetic requirements, though any boxes that fail to meet their standards must now be approved by a majority vote.
CHRIS CAESAR may be reached at (714) 966-4626 or at
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