
We all need to take cool lessons from Villanova Coach Jay Wright

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Jay Wright is the coolest guy on the planet right now.

Not James Bond. Not Batman. Not even the Fonz's cartoon dog, Mr. Cool.

I guarantee no one else reacted to Kris Jenkins' buzzer-beater of a shot Monday that gave Villanova the NCAA championship in a cooler manner than the Wildcats coach himself.

Check him out as the shot goes up and in.

Wright is cool as can be. Doesn't even crack a smile, only moves his lips to calmly say one word: "Bang!"

That's right.

Just take a look at everyone just losing their minds all around him.

Did you see CBS reporter Tracy Wolfson's reaction from behind him? In case you didn't, she posted a screenshot of it on Instagram (she's pretty cool, too).

When you see the greatest finish in college basketball history...

A photo posted by @tracywolfson on

Even the security guards, people who are paid to stay calm, cool and collected, couldn't help themselves.

Maybe Wright's reaction to the shot stems from the fact that he's seen it before. Many times. On a daily basis, in fact.

“We do practice that,” Wright said after the game. “We have certain plays with less than four seconds, from four to seven seconds. Every coach has this. Zero to four, four to seven, seven to 12. We have plays. So we know what it is. We practice it every day."

Nah, he's just that cool.
