
Ideas to Upgrade Rail Service From Los Angeles to San Diego

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The time has come. The expense enormous. Moscow, Paris, Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, all have something Southern California lacks: an underground railroad.

As an independent country, Southern California now ranks as the planet’s eighth-largest economy, yet its transportation system is a mess. Further growth is reined in and choked by its infantile transport system. With 1992 ready to impact on the nation’s economy, as a united Europe girds up to battle with Japan and the U.S.A. for economic supremacy, Orange County is left prostrate with a segmented polity unable to cope with the external world’s changed reality.

The railroads and interstates forged the American boom years; the waterways created a united California. If Southern California is to mature into its licit role as world economic leader, then a reformation of its transport is mandatory.


Underground railroad tubes will be built in the Southland. Timing and finances are political decisions. The debate and routing of these corridors needs no delay. Southern California awaits the political leadership to steer the next economic boom of our privileged abode.


Newport Beach
